Samuel L Jackson and Ashanti star together in COACH CARTER, inspired by a true story and directed by Thomas Carter. The film is released in the UK and Ireland on 25th February, 2005.
Tension mounted as the Richmond High Oilers faced the upcoming basketball championship. The town was wild with excitement over their undefeated team and the bleachers were filled with cheering fans for every game. No one could imagine that on January 4,1999 the community would erupt in dissention and so many lives would change forever when Coach Ken Carter padlocked the gym, refusing the players access for failing to keep up their grades.
Inspired by a true story, “Coach Carter” is an inspirational account of controversial high school basketball coach Ken Carter (Samuel L. Jackson), who received both high praise and staunch criticism when he made national news for benching his entire undefeated team for poor academic performance. Set in Richmond,California, this rousing, heartfelt portrayal of human courage and conviction is about overcoming the obstacles of your environment and showing young men a future that stretches beyond gangs, drugs, prison, and yes…even basketball.
Paramount Pictures presents an MTV Films Tollin/Robbins production of a Thomas Carter Film, “Coach Carter,” starring Samuel L. Jackson. Directed by Thomas Carter, written by Mark Schwahn and John Gatins, the film is inspired by the life of Ken Carter. Produced by Brian Robbins, Mike Tollin and David Gale, and executive-produced by Van Toffler, Thomas Carter, Sharla Sumpter and Caitlin Scanlon, the film also stars Robert Ri’chard, Rob Brown, Ashanti and Debbi Morgan.

Coach Carter Gallery
(click on images to enlarge)
Distributor:- UIP
Release Date:- 25th February 2005
Certificate:- 12A
Running Time:- 2 hours 16 mins
Director:- Thomas Carter
Related Links
Coach Carter Official UK Site (Paramount Pictures/UIP)
» Coach Carter Soundtrack (EMI Records)
» Coach Carter Competition |